It is estimated that 80 to 95% of all Americans have some degree of insulin/blood sugar imbalance. Maintaining relative balance in insulin/blood sugar levels is one of the fundamental factors to good health. While there are a number of medical tests used to provide medical practioners with information on insulin and blood sugar, the most routinely used to help detect hypoglycemia or diabetes is the three to six hour Glucose Tolerance Test - or the Challenge Test.
Unfortunately this test can cause many who undergo it to become acutely ill. It also is very innaccurate in the detection of hypoglycemia. In addition, according to Dr. Ron Schmid in his book Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine, "Either diabetes and hypoglycemia may be diagnosed from symptoms, along with other physical indications and other lab tests."
Many experts agree that symptoms are actually the best indicator of insulin/blood sugar problems and in all cases symptoms are always needed to corroborate test results. The following provides information on signs and symptoms.
a) Sometimes the most obvious clues to insulin/blood sugar imbalance are frequent bouts with fluctuating energy levels and/or fat accumulation around the mid-section
b) Additional clues can be found by reviewing signs of Insulin-blood Sugar Imbalance.
c) And you can take this "SELF TEST"for possible insulin/blood sugar imbalance:
If you can answer yes to three or more of the following questions, it is possible that you have a blood sugar management problem. If your score is above five, then you need to make serious changes in your wellness effort, starting with properly balancing your protein, fat and carb intake.
1. Do you frequently feel sluggish and heavy in the mornings?
2. Does it take you longer than 20 minutes or so to “get going” in the morning?
3. Do you need a “pick-me-up” (tea, coffee, or a cigarette) to start your day?
4. Do you sip soft drinks throughout the day?
5. Do you often have energy slumps during the day or after meals?
6. Do you usually feel sleepy during the day?
7. Do you often have mood swings or difficulty concentrating?
8. Do you find that you often over-react to stress?
9. Do you often find yourself irritable, angry or overly aggressive?
10. Do you get dizzy, shaky or irritable if you go six hours without food?
11. Do you require an alcoholic drink most days?
12. Do you smoke?
13. Do you crave sugar, bread or other carbohydrates thoughout the day?
14. When given the option, do you choose foods with a sweet taste?
15. Have you ever kept an emergency stash of sweet food close at hand?
16. Are you overweight, even just 10 pounds over your ideal weight?
17. Do you tend to keep excess fat around your midsection, even though you are thin??
18. Do you have high cholesterol or are you taking cholesterol lowering medication?
19. Do you have high triglycerides (above 160mg/dl)?
20. Do you have high blood pressure (consistently above 140/90) or are you taking medication to control your blood pressure??
NOTE: The right supplements in adequate amounts, along with balancing your macronutrient intake (or diet) will help immeasurably in your effort to re-establish insulin/blood sugar balance. Chronic imbalances can lead to diabetes and other serious health problems in which case medical care is required.