While it may be good for health practioners, it is decidedly bad for regular folk that we become serious about health only AFTER experiencing a health catastrophe of one sort or another. Even worse, and all too often, when a relatively simple health concern makes itself apparent we automatically reach for a quick fix or magic bullet, be it the latest medical treatment, drug or nutritional supplement touted to be the answer to all our troubles. The worst part is that we give no serious thought as to what may be at the root of our current troubles.
Yet as Claude Bernard and Antoine Bechamp described so many long years ago - and indeed as Louis Pasteur himself later admitted, it is the condition of the biological terrain - not the germ - that provides the conditions for disease (or health problems of any sort). This terrain (or ecosystem) is affected for good or ill by three key factors: nutritional levels, disturbances in "regular fermentations" as Bechamp put it, and level of toxicity. All of these factors are in turn affected by the level and types of emotional, physical or environmental stress we are subjected to.
Today we need to add insulin/blood sugar imbalance (which results from dietary misinformation) along with toxic overload and nutrient depletion. Indeed nutrient depletion itself contributes to - or is a cause of - yeast/fungal overgrowth, as well as insulin/blood sugar imbalance. Nutrient depletion can also contribute to toxic overload. These problems can then be compounded further by lifestyle choices we have labeled on this website as "insulin stimulants".
It would serve us well if we, as individuals, dedicated some time and effort towards maintaining, as well as improving our "terrain" by addressing these key factors.
The ABC + D approach to healing is a method to help you learn how to take control of your own health - and improve your own "biological terrain" by also learning how to maintain it. Although you can of course start with the "Direct Aids" or targeted remedies, it would be in your own best interest, at least over the long term, to seriously address the foundational and basic ABC principles first.
Here they are:
A = ACTIVATE the "healing response."
Activation is the first step in any wellness program. It is accomplished on several levels, but begins with the belief that you not only can - but should - take responsibility for maintaining and improving your own health. Many of us already are at this point - at least to some degree - even if we are often seriously misled by corrupted information. But the activation phase goes further than that, requiring that you also understand that you deserve (and owe to loved ones) vibrant health and vitality. It is through this Activation phase that you become motivated enough to dedicate time and effort in moving toward your objective.
Activation tools include: 1) affirmation and visualization techniques - or finding ways, if necessary, for dealing with pronounced or deep-seated emotional concerns; 2) some type of exercise even if it is only deep breathing, stretching and meditation accompanied by some fresh air and sunlight; and 3) taking concrete (and sometimes difficult) steps toward making better food choices with an initial goal of improving digestion - which is the key to all other body systems. For this last step you might begin by including more raw and naturally fermented foods in your diet, more vegetables - both raw and cooked. Include high quality animal fats and protein, and supplement with probiotics and enzymes as needed.
If you have deep-seated or pronounced emotional concerns, you may want and need to spend some additional time on this "Activation" step (which can be addressed concommitently with the build phase) because as traditional Chinese practitioners would tell us: "The mind and body are not two."
B = BUILD depleted or weakened systems
Perhaps the most important, but most often misunderstood or overlooked step toward improving health involves the rebuilding of depleted or weakened systems by adopting not only an appropriately improved diet but also a personally appropriate supplement program that includes digestive aids that might have been adopted in the Activation phase (such as enzymes, probiotics, essential fatty acids, raw and naturally fermented foods and more vegetables) plus a good quality, environmentally sensitive cod liver oil and a high quality, high potency multi vitamin/mineral formula.
C = CLEANSE toxins from the body
The type of cleanse you do and when you do it depends on your needs and goals. In addition, many people in a weakened state may need - or want - to "build" before they cleanse. Pregnant women, nursing moms and those with extreme fatigue, emaciation or feebleness should not undertake a cleansing program. Also if you suffer from inflammatory or irritable bowel, you may want to avoid all products containing bentonite or clay, and you may want to address inflammatory issues first.
Some people may need to approach the cleanse phase in two parts: cleanse the colon or other key organ or system and then build the colon or other key organ or system. In the build phase, various "direct aids" may be introduced as a method of building targeted systems or organs. These targeted remedies would be in addition to the basic building tools for the body, most especially a high quality, high potency multi-vitamin/mineral/antioxidant formula.
D = DIRECT AID for specific health concerns
DIRECT AID or "targeted needs" are used to address specific health concerns, such as allergies, high blood pressure, over-acid condition (if not solved in one or more of the above steps), etc. Direct aids might include employing one or more of a variety of specific vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, probiotics, antioxidants, essential oils, AND/OR herbs and herb combinations to address a specific health problem or complaint.
Direct aid is best undertaken AFTER a cleanse (for most people) and while a comprehensive building program is in place. Over the long term, you will know when your basic ABC program is working when you begin to require fewer "Direct aids" or "targeted remedies".
Always remember that the best path to healing and maintaining health begins with a personally appropriate diet composed of the highest quality of foods you can find. Any supplements you may need should also be of highest quality and personally appropriate.