It is land use, not fossil fuel burning per se, which drives that portion of climate change attributable to human activity, and it is, in turn, monetary policy that has driven land use since the days of ancient Mesopotamia. It is important to recognize that our current, single-minded, misguided fixation on CO2 reduction will only keep us on the present trajectory of planetary destruction - even as it makes boatloads of money for all manner of "stock-jobbers" and industry insiders who wittingly or otherwise have managed to turn CO2 into a tradable commodity. All of this is in large part due to our own oversimplification and misunderstanding of the scientific and monetary questions. Yet there are solutions, if we only choose to look.

Regenerative, localized agriculture - anchored by livestock and perennial plant systems - is one of two land use arenas ("land friendly" but universally overlooked alternative energy systems being the other) that has the greatest potential to reduce CO2, if we choose that as a primary goal. But beyond CO2 reduction - and perhaps even more importantly - regenerative agriculture helps rebuild the structure of the soil by returning CO2 to the soil where it is required for plant, animal and human health. Regenerative agriculture will also go a long way toward reducing environmental pollution since healthy soils do not require pesticides and other tech-dependent marvels to produce healthy plants and animals. In fact, and in most cases, soil health is destroyed by tech-intensive forms of agriculture.

Our soils have reached the point of no return in terms of supplying the level of nutrition needed to sustain optimal plant, animal and human health. This is largely due to our tragically misguided - and factually baseless - belief that industrial style agriculture is the best way to cheaply feed the world's billions. Time intensive, location-specific, small-scale regenerative agriculture can feed the world's billions, many times over - all on approximately 20% of the land now used for agriculture, freeing up the rest for development of old growth forests. But such agriculture cannot compete with heavily subsidized, legally protected agribusiness - built as it is on a monetary system that, as Jefferson argued, "eats up the usufruct". In short, and while millions upon millions of people have joined in the fight for more sustainable forms of agriculture, good intentions and comparatively expensive products derived from said agriculture will not, and can not, turn the tide toward the ultimate goal of regenerative agriculture - unless and until "land friendly" monetary reform is set in motion.

Without PROPER, Constitutionally sound monetary reform, "land friendly" choices in land use will continue to be submerged by the need to satisfy growing debt, both public and private, governed by the exponential law of increase governing our current monetary system.


Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winner in the category of Environment, Spring 2014

2015 Indie Excellence Finalist in the category of Environment/Social/Political

2015 Eric Hoffer Book Awards, honorable mention in the nonfiction ebook category

2015 Award Winning Finalist in the 2015 USA Best Book Awards

Five star award by Readers' Favorite

Note to those those still on the fence: For a "new and enlightened" look at climate change be sure to purchase, read and submit a review for Climate Change, Land Use and Monetary Policy - The New Trifecta.

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