"GOOD" fats include:

Butter*, lard, chicken, duck and goose fat and beef tallow - all from pasture fed animals, plus oils such as "cloudy" extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil.

Plus raw cheeses, additive-free heavy cream and sour cream – all preferrably raw and from pastured animals, but see Combination Foods.

Also avocado, RAW or dry roasted (minimally processed, fresh) nuts (especially those that have been soaked then slow roasted), nut butters, seeds (especially pumpkin, sesame and flax – which must be fresh ground), tahini (from ground sesame), mayonaise (preferrably homemade with olive and, if you like, coconut oil and or some raw honey).

Acceptable in limited amounts: Cold-pressed walnut or sesame oil and peanut oil, and high oleic, expeller pressed safflower or sunflower oil.

Note that Coconut oil, along with CLA present in pastured animal products, has many health-giving properties and can be a boon to weight management efforts.

  • If raw butter from pastured animals cannot be obtained, use commercial butter as an acceptable alternative, and try to purchase organic when possible. Also do not use "logo-ed" - or what we like to call "plastic" - cheese. Try to search out cheeses made from whole raw milk from pastured animals. European cheeses may be raw if the label says "fresh milk" or "milk". However, due to Codex regulations these cheeses may be irradiated - ostensibly for our "safety" (but also and conveniently as a disposal mechanism for the Department of Energy).

CAUTION: Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, shortening, magarine and all rancid oils and fats that have been damaged through deep frying, high heat cooking methods and cheap processing methods (most grocery oils, except "cloudy" extra virgin olive oil).

Additionally, most of us need to supplement with Omega 3 oils, including contaminant-free fish oil or cod liver oil and perhaps, for some at least, high lignan fresh flax oil. (We have found a good quality fish oil/cod liver oil to provide superior health benefits, but we often include fresh fround flax seed in our diet as a fiber/oil supplement.)

The more you depend on commercial meat, poultry and dairy for your protein and fat sources the more you need to counterbalance with Omega 3's. This is because the fat from commercial animals has little or no Omega 3 fats and 5 to 7 times MORE saturated fat than the fat from pastured animals - which is yet another reason for seeking out pastured animal products.

ADDED "GOOD" FATS should account for the "average" person ABOUT 2-3 tbl oil, 1/3 cup raw nuts and seeds and at least a couple tbls of butter daily. Again, FORGET CALORIES. Start with a satisfying amount of protein and fat, then add carbs as described here, making certain to limit "unfavorable" carbs and if needed "favorable" carbs. And remember, Good Fat is your body's most efficient and valuable energy source - and it is essential for long term acid/alkaline balance and proper mineral metabolism!